San Francisco Conference Room Surfing

SF Conference Room Surfing

Customer Hypothesis:

There are tons of Lean Startup inspired Innovators in San Francisco interested in getting a deeper understanding of Lean.

Problem Hypotheses:

Understanding Lean is hard work, staying Lean is even harder. Uncertainty and complexity appear overwhelming. Many Lean Startups are struggling with too much Work In Progress. I don’t have access to conference rooms to teach in.

Solution Hypotheses:
  1. Conference Room Surfing to leverage community for quick access to teaching space.
  2. getKanban game to teach Kanban Fast
  3. Personal Kanban to help individuals manage WIP
  4. Innovation Lab to help Innovator’s leverage complexity.
Core Assumptions:
  • Innovators will value opportunities for high quality educational experiences.
  • Lean Startups care about learning kanban
  • Innovators will care enough to find or share Conference Rooms (and pay a reasonable price)
  • I’ll be able to spread the word fast enough to hit a critical mass with the target audience in 2 weeks.
  • RISKIEST ASSUMPTION: Because I can’t talk to anyone in San Francisco before I get there, I can use word of mouth and a web form to gather feedback.